$150 Gift Card


Please carefully read the item description lower on this page. You can increase your quantities below if needed.


SKU: gift-card-150 Category:


This item is for the purchase of one $150 Jakers Gift Card. You can increase the quantity above if needed.

If this IS NOT a gift and you want the product shipped to you, simply enter your billing and shipping information during checkout and disregard the extra information boxes you see.


Important Note: If this is a gift, only use a Quantity of 1 so that you can fill in accurate “Name: Address: Message to Recipient” information above.

  • Then go back to our main gift card page and add your next gift card to your cart.
  • Repeat that same process for each gift card you want sent to a different recipient.


Example below: Because our gift card sales are very high, please leave us extra and detailed instructions in the the shopping cart notes – example shown below:

Example: “I’ve purchased two $40 gift cards…see below for handing”

$40 Gift Card #1: From: Bob, / To: Mary, / Message: Mary, you’re the best – enjoy this special treat at Jakers, / Shipping Address: Mary Jones, 123 Anystreet Ave. Anytown, ID 83703

$40 Gift Card #2: From: Bob, / To: Joe, / Message: Joe – Happy Birthday, you’re a great friend, have fun at Jakers, / Shipping Address: Joe Anderson, 456 Anystreet Ave. Anytown, ID 83703